ELEMIS London R02.2014
Road Diorama
FĂȘte des Vignerons 2019
Zmap Navigator - Real-time
Selection of works from 2018
Lea Bridge redevelopment area - Gear VR
A City for All Londoners - Oxford Street
Beechmere Carehome, Crewe - 4D animation
Film House - London
Abu Dhabi - Qasr Al Hosn
Novotel Southwark, London
Shoe Lane, Plumtree Court, Stonecutter Street, London
South Kensington Tube Station Refurb 2015
Student Residences and Landscape design
into.co.uk Merry Hill Shopping Mall - 4D animation
Transport Hub
Millbank Tower - RT model for public consultation
SH_L Residential/Office
Mandarin Oriental - Entrance
M-O-M Hospitality
Michigan Competition
Jurmala Residences
CH - Rev.06/2014 Residential
Abuja University
SF - Rev.12/2014 Masterplan
CI @ SH Photomontage
Mosfilm Competition
Menai Science Park
E - M Photomontage
Mebe - Living
T2 Kings Cross